Monday, June 9, 2008


Time and Tide wait for no one!

i)Lots of people complain they got no time..

(=.=) :"got so many things to do but so little time!!"

How I wish the time would stop for me when I am sleeping or playing games or shopping or studying for tomorrow's exam.. yeah... yeah... dream on.

The clock is always ticking.. tick tock tick tock...
like the clock beside ------------------------------------------------------->

you cant stop that clock... even I got no power to stop the clock... its linked from the other website...!! you and me can only stop the clock in your house by taking out the batteries.. =.= but seriously, we are not god. We cant really stop time or reverse time or travel back in time....

Talking about travelling back in time, I think you can do that.. just book a flight that fly west.

Due to advancement in technology, msn, yahoo messenger and all sorts of chatting tools support time traveling messages. Some sort like the lake house... only that lake house use mail box.


I always chat with my in the future bro. When i send my messages at around 800pm, my bro(in the future) will reply at 900pm (his time) and i will receive the reply at 801pm. The same goes to all my other frens in diff diff country >.<

Most ppl hate the fact that time flies... cos flies are very dirty pests >.<

ii)There are also lots of people with plenty of time to spare..

(=.=) :"Sienz.. >.< whole day dunno what to do.."

If you are these type of ppl, pls come and see me... I can help you to accelerate your time

Note: Pls bring along a club or stick and tell me how fast you want your time accelerated.

Few hours: slight hit to your head. let you faint for few hours. By the time you wake up you will be few hours ahead.
3 days 3 night: No problem. Can be done.
Bored with this life? Wanna go to your next life? No worries...

Or if you think that it is very troublesome to find me... I have a self service tips for you... look for a wall and bang it.

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