This friendster is really annoying
lately from the start..
Annoyed me when
-i upload pictures last time... where you wait for so damn long then they tell you you cannot upload the picture cos there is an error.
-so super hard to find friends.
-not user friendly
-dun have tutorial how to use their program.
-and now they even come in Malay and they make it difficult to change to English.. small and hard to find icon!
Are they stupid or something? They think Malaysia is made up of Malays?
They think everyone in Malaysia dunno English? Are they trying to insult the government or something.?? because our poor English standard is... ahem..!
Com'onla. What the hk is this? Even I dun put chinese language in my phone setting.
and the reasons why are damn obvious.

Simply translate!
what bantuan??
Help --> Tolong... tolong! >.<
what daftar keluar? you go out also need to register one izzit?
sign out --> tandatangan keluar! leave your hand mark before going out! make sure you press your thumb firmly on your monitor.
Classified --> Terhad???? %^$#%$#@
What seting?
Malay language also got put -ing behind?
set-ting --> se
what the hk?
then go--> pergi going--> pergiing??
Ahem... remembering the malay class in Uni. The lecturer told us sometimes we use some words from English, some time from other languages so that the language can grow.. Whats all this non-sense? Malay is suppose to be lingua franca la my fren.. others is suppose to follow! not we follow them..
and and ... and
they dun translate all into Malay! some part English some part Malay!

Why like that?? They know we speak rojak here??
then they should also change "hubungi kami" to "contact wa lang"
My Profile --> Profile Gua or Gua punya Profile

Who's Viewed me? --> Siapa yang Melihat saya?
zzz.. change la to.. Apa tengok-tengok?
Profile views --> Pandangan profil
It became somebody's opinion! In this case, profil's opinion.
It is blady insulting my national language.!

Tambah alamatAnda? We in Malaysia not rich la..tak la kaya.. .. house address only got one la.. insult us again.? I am in the Hardcore poor group. Income only RM 500 monthly.
Hari Lahir Baru? Apa ni ??? how to change your birth date?? Tell me la how..
Tell me.. tell me!!
Why they want to change to Malay??? Why ? Why ?? Why why , tell me why..
Note: If you are annoyed after reading this post, pls dun be mad at me.. ha
His bad --> Friendster
*They should consult DBP.